Friday 3 July 2015

Toys Of Choice

Yesterday afternoon I layed one of the Critter's fav toys down next to Yvina while she was laying on the dog bed.
She didn't mind and soon after she fell asleep with her feet on it and her face nearby.

Later on I noticed it in the garden, did she do this or the Critter?
Then I spotted it not far from her favourite place in the garden; the Butterfly Bush.

Much later, in the evening, I saw her taking my old dish brush that l use for brushing off old seeds from the bird feeders and that always lays next to the bins.

This morning I noticed these two items at her favourite spot, yep, under the Butterfly Bush!


  1. what does all this mean. I would love to lay under the Butterfly Bush all day...sounds enchanting.

    1. Dunno, she is just as romantic as you.
      And I.
