Monday, 29 April 2019


She loves crawling under a blanky

One of her fav spots

Nice fangs btw

Sunday, 28 April 2019


For a short while now I am making music, singing, with my good friend Eric who plays various instrumenst like the didgeridoo, djembe, acoustic as well as an electric guitar.
This night he brought his balafon with him, I started playing it spontaneously and it turned out I am kinda able to!
I love the sound of it very much and I really get inspiration from it.

I always wished for just one person on the same level of understanding as me to make music with
and we enjoy doing so very much!
It really soothes the soul...

Eric on his didge

Thanx Eric!

Friday, 26 April 2019

Rare Flower

This rare black flower is called Aina.
They grow in Romania.
This one was imported

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Black Bird

Aina seems to think she's a bird. I wonder if she will fly one day...

Sorry for the very bad quality. I was sitting on the couch as this happened and I didn't have my phone or camera nearby so I took these pics with an old iPad cause I needed to capture this moment!

I think someone is not happy with his home being invaded

I guess poor Kendall will have to spend the night in a cat bed...