Saturday, 16 November 2019

Friday, 8 November 2019

Putty Plot

Almost as if Aina (at the top) is plotting something...

Neron is like putty in her paws...

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Friday, 4 October 2019

Local Animal Day

How lucky I was with Aina at the left, Chi Ky in the middle and Neron at the right on World Animal Day

Monday, 23 September 2019

Welcoming Neron

This day another black panther joined our gang.
I named him Neron (this took me more than a few months…)

Neron is from a dutch shelter and was found on the streets together with his 2 sisters but without their mum when they were just about 3 months old. Luckily their mum was found 2 days later and brought to the shelter as well, to be reunited with her kittens.
Neron spent about 3 months in the shelter till he caught my eye.

He stands his ground, is a tough guy but can be shy with strangers.
He knows exactly what he wants, has no patience, and knows how to get it.
He also is very vocal. And if I am not fast enough with letting him inside from the garden, he screams his head off as if there's something after him out there in the dark, his expression alike (too funny).
He learned all the wrong stuff from the other two… so yeah, he is able to quickly pick up on things.
His appearance is gorgeous.
I do sometimes struggle for a sec as to which is which, but his long slender tail reveals to me when it's him.

He is very affectionate, loves to be cuddled all the time and spends lots of time on my lap or nearby me.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Friday, 16 August 2019

Immortal Byron

3-7-'08 ~ 16-8-'19

Byron came to live with me at age 4.

This day I lost my sweetest and dearly beloved Byron to cancer.

He was my giant, my buddy.
Always nearby and most of the time on my lap or chest, but never when I was asleep. He always waited till I was half awake, showing so much respect towards me.

Byron was a huge Maine Coon.
So impressive and super cool but with such a gentle and tender sweet soul.

It is very hard not having him in my life anymore...

I miss you sweetie, thank you for sharing part of my life and thank you for the love we shared

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Tuesday, 23 July 2019


Lapparrot Kendall, Lapcoon Byron & Lapchi Ky all sharing my lap on a hot day like this

Monday, 24 June 2019


31ºC/88ºF outside and Kyanu's got his heat sensor out...

Sunday, 16 June 2019


Chi Ky was lying down next to Aina for the first time

Friday, 31 May 2019

Tuesday, 28 May 2019


Aina thought she was skyping with a pine marten from the UK

Monday, 20 May 2019

Toxic Dreams

Fast asleep.
Must smell nice down there... very relaxing for sure.
Intoxicating perhaps...

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Garden Exploring

Today was the first time she was allowed to explore the garden and she loved it!

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Toy Cat

Today my friends Miriam & Cora came over for a visit to meet Aina and brought her this toy.
Thanx, she loves it! So do the dogs...

Kicking it!

Thursday, 2 May 2019


And how amazing is this!
So soon feeling totally at home and totally accepted by the Coonzzz!!!



So cute!

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Cooning Up

This was the first time Aina was cuddling up to Loxy.
The day prior to this one she already had done so to Byron but unfortunately I don't have any pics of that occasion


Monday, 29 April 2019


She loves crawling under a blanky

One of her fav spots

Nice fangs btw

Sunday, 28 April 2019


For a short while now I am making music, singing, with my good friend Eric who plays various instrumenst like the didgeridoo, djembe, acoustic as well as an electric guitar.
This night he brought his balafon with him, I started playing it spontaneously and it turned out I am kinda able to!
I love the sound of it very much and I really get inspiration from it.

I always wished for just one person on the same level of understanding as me to make music with
and we enjoy doing so very much!
It really soothes the soul...

Eric on his didge

Thanx Eric!