Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Critter Kyanu by Yvon

Yvon, her Lamoka and Kyanu and I visited the beach over at the Haringvliet today and Yvon made these stunning pics of Kyanu.
Thank you so very much Yvon! I am so happy with these!!!
Great expression

Us two

Happy, alert puppy

Kyanu rocks...

My tiny sweetie


On alert


Striking his meerkat pose


Lamoka now is 13 years of age and a grand old lady.
Kyanu is totally fine with her, as is she with him

Smiling Critter

Critter Allure

This afternoon Yvon, her Lamoka and the Critter and I went to the Haringvliet and Yvon tried to lure Kyanu into the water

But he's having second thoughts...

Ah well, since she is offering dried liver

Can't have enough of that!

The sun is about to sink in the sea...

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Critter Friends

Today we met up with Ellis's Lawaz & Brandal at the Kooisteebos

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Grooming Coonzzz

Some serious grooming going on.
And, and this is very rare, all 4 portrayed in a pic

Friday, 11 March 2016

K9 Critter

Trying out the Critter's brand new harness; the famous Julius K9 at the Kooisteebos

Looking sharp

All purpose harness;
For strolling

For action

For sniffing out trails

For stick action

Looking smart
Always on alert